Civil Engineering Brief Introduction

高考报名网  来源: 东北林业大学 2016-12-30本文受益:人

Civil Engineering
Brief Introduction
The Civil Engineering major is a program accredited by the national Civil Engineering Accreditation Assessment, a pilot program for the State Training Program of Excellent Engineers and a Heilongjiang provincial key program. It aims to cultivate innovative technical talents typified by solid theoretical foundation and broad knowledge, on pace with modern science and technology and economic development, developed all-around in terms of moral, intellectual and fitness level, possessing a mastery of the basic knowledge and technical skills in Civil Engineering, trained to be an outstanding civil engineer, capable of engagement in planning, design, construction, management, and scientific research and development etc. in the fields of municipal engineering, road and bridge engineering, architectural engineering, rail engineering, geotechnical engineering, and engineering management, etc.
Its core courses include Principle of Structural Design, Road Survey and Design, Road Engineering, Bridge Engineering, Foundation Engineering, Road Construction and Budget, Building Architecture, Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structure, Design Principle of Steel Structure, Seismic Resistance of Building Structure, Civil Engineering Construction, etc.
Civil Engineering is a four-year undergraduate program, admitting applicants of science and granting Bachelors of Engineering. It is also authorized to confer Master’s and Doctoral degrees and participate in the “3+1+1” patterned joint education program between College of Civil Engineering, NEFU and University of Colorado Denver.
1. Civil Engineering carries out experimental teaching with the support of the Heilongjiang Provincial Key Lab and the Heilongjiang Provincial Demonstration Center for Experimental Teaching.
Civil Engineering is a Heilongjiang provincial key program. It is authorized to grant Bachelors of Engineering, Masters of Engineering (Academic and Professional) and Doctor of Engineering degrees and has a post-doctoral station. It is listed as a pilot program for the State Training Program of Excellent Engineers by Ministry of Education of PRC and takes Longjian Road and Bridge Company Limited as the National Engineering Practice Education Center accredited by the Ministry of National Education.
2. Civil Engineering is a program accredited by the national Civil Engineering Accreditation Assessment, with a 6-year validity period. Students in Civil Engineering can take Registered Engineering Exam one year in advance and their academic degrees are also recognized by Commonwealth of Nations.
Civil Engineering has a reasonably structured, high-quality, experienced and innovative teaching and scientific research faculty team. It has 9 full professors, 19 associate professors, 1 Heilongjiang Provincial Excellent Teacher, 3 Heilongjiang Provincial Advanced Individuals in Teachers’ Morality. Many teachers have achieved qualification licenses for being Registered Engineer.
Civil Engineering is strong in scientific research and is abundant in funds and achievements. It hosts 2 Heilongjiang Provincial Quality Courses, 3 university-level Quality Courses and 8 university-level key courses and won 3 second place prizes of Heilongjiang Provincial Teaching Achievements Award.
3. Civil Engineering has established good relationships with many large enterprises and institutions for students’ practice classes, including China Communications Construction Company Limited, China State Construction Engineering Corporation, China Railway Engineering Corporation, Long Jian Road and Bridge Co., Ltd. etc.
4. Civil Engineering provides promising opportunities for students to further their studies. Those students excellent in study and quality will be recommended for degrees to other key universities listed on the national “985” and “211” projects. Some can also apply for the “3+1+1” program between College of Civil Engineering and University of Colorado Denver. With the joint education program, the undergraduates have to complete the first three academic years of courses in Civil Engineering at NEFU before their 4th academic year of undergraduate courses study and 5th academic year of postgraduate courses study at University of Colorado Denver. Students could be awarded both the Bachelor’s Degree of Civil Engineering of NEFU and the Master’s Degree of University of Colorado Denver with finishing their studies according to the corresponding requirements.
Specialists’ View
Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, railways and buildings.
Students in Civil Engineering at NEFU are expected to first learn basic theories and concepts of Mathematics, Mechanics, Structural Design etc, and then focus on one direction from road and bridge engineering and architectural engineering according to their individual interests and needs. Civil Engineering at NEFU is a time-honored program and has been accredited twice by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Peoples Republic of China, with a 6-year validity period. The College of Civil Engineering can provide great opportunities for students to have further studies. It currently has many areas of specialty, with Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Bridge and Tunnel Engineering and Road and Railway Engineering accredited as Master degree programs, with Architectural and Civil Engineering and Communication and Transportation Engineering accredited as Professional Master degree programs, and with Road and Railway Engineering accredited as a Ph.D. degree program.
Students’ View
Civil Engineering offers two directions, road and bridge engineering and architectural engineering for freshmen to choose, with each direction accompanied by a certain number of compulsory courses and elective courses. During the first two academic years students will be exposed to the theories and concepts of civil engineering at the elemental and systematic levels. After 4 years of study students will be equipped with a solid background in the principles of civil engineering and proficient skills in software. Meanwhile, hands-on design experience and skills will also be gained and learned through problem sets and a comprehensive design project. Civil Engineering aims to cultivate advanced technical talents with innovative spirit who can engage in planning, design, construction, management, and scientific research etc. in the fields of civil engineering. With the “One Belt, One Road” project, Civil Engineering provides a promising prospect for students.?
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